It is my intention to provide my clients with professional and therapeutic services; the following policies and procedures serve as a guide for first-time and repeat guests of Keeper of the Old Ways Healing Arts.
I strongly believe that your time is valuable as is mine and I make every attempt to be ready for your appointment at the scheduled time. In my commitment to provide a unique and outstanding experience to all of my clients and out of consideration for my time, I have adopted the following policies:
For your first appointment, please arrive for your appointment 15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time or complete form online prior. This allows you the time to fill out the appropriate client forms. All treatment sessions have a specific time schedule and early arrival allows for a relaxed and unhurried experience. If late arrival is inevitable, your service may be shortened in order to keep on schedule and the original treatment time may be charged.
All appointments are pre-billed online (if applicable), unless paying with cash. Please provide at least 12 hours notice if you need to reschedule or cancel a treatment. You will not be billed if prior notice is given. If a client fails to cancel within 12 hours multiple times (2 or more), they will be charged the full amount of the appointment cost.
All treatment sessions have a specific time schedule therefore I regret that late arrivals may not receive extension of scheduled appointments. In special cases, and when my schedule will allow, I may be able to accommodate a partial or full appointment. This will be at my discretion and only with proper, advanced notification of your late arrival. The original reservation fee will be charged.
At Keeper of the Old Ways Healing Arts, I understand that unanticipated events occur in everyone’s life. Unforeseen events such as car problems, business meetings and children’s illnesses, are just a few reasons why one might consider canceling an appointment. However, I ask that you call if you cannot keep your appointment. Clients who fail to show for appointments repeatedly may be asked to pre-pay for future services, if not pre-billed online.
In order to help ensure that you obtain your desired appointments, we recommend scheduling your appointment as far in advance as possible to ensure availability. TO accommodate your desired appointment a credit card is required at the time of booking to guarantee your reservation. Pre-paid packages are available for your convenience. Gift Certificates may also be used in lieu of a credit card to hold your appointment. We hold this information as part of our cancellation policies and only make necessary charges to your account on the date of your scheduled service. Details of our cancellation policy are provided below.
Prior to each healing session, the treatment plan will be discussed with you. At your first visit with us you will be asked to sign the consent form stating that you understand you are consenting to treatment and your privacy will be respected under Client - Practitioner - Institution Confidentiality. Clients who we have not seen for at least a year may also be asked to fill out this form.
*Please notify me of any allergies or sensitivities to aromas or ingredients when you schedule your appointment.
Lauren G. Koch is a Certified Reflexologist, Medical Reiki, Spirit & Energy Worker, Sound Therapist, Movement & Mindfulness Facilitator, Herbalist, and Essential Oils specialist - Artist and Educator - and is held to the highest standards of the practice. Lauren is also an ordained priest in the order of Melchizedek and spiritual counceler.
Integrative Well-being is a profession in which the practitioner may apply manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client.
Practitioners do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. I may refer you to a medical doctor for diagnosis or treatment. My services are not intended as an alternative for proper medical attention for specific conditions. Please refer to a medical doctor for any specific condition which requires medical treatment.
I am happy to adjust pressure, temperature, musical volume, work longer on an area or move on if you request it.
The client may choose to: leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort if treatment requests for client to remove an item of clothing (but reiki treatments are fully clothed), refuse any healing methods, stop session at any time.
The client are asked to only remove shirt and socks for Symphony of the Cells treatments and will always be modestly draped. Only the area being treated will be undraped. The clients will be kept informed of the area to be that will be in contact with.
For treatments not including Symphony of the Cells clients are requested to remain fully clothed.
Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and the massage practitioner is NEVER appropriate. If I feel that this line has been crossed, I will terminate the session immediately. The client will be charged the full amount. All clients are empowered with the same right and freedom. It is my utmost concern that all clients feel safe and secure at Keeper of the Old Ways Healing Arts.
I treat all client visits and conditions as confidential. As such, I will not discuss your visit with anybody without your express permission - unless it is with other practitioners at certain locations - client files may be shared between practitioners if working at certain location where you see several of us - private notes will be withheld.
You may choose to talk/not talk during the Symphony of the Cells treatments. Conversation will be guided by the client’s direction. During an energy or sound healing session clients are encouraged to remain present and connected to their breath, so talking is discouraged.
It is the responsibility of the client to keep me informed of any medical treatment currently being taken, and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc., that the treatment may be continued.
The client must also keep me informed of any changes in health conditions and changes to medications.
For clients undergoing chemo and radiation therapies – Please note that we require a doctor’s note that states the doctor is aware of and agrees to the desired treatment.
Payment Methods
Credit / Debit Cards
Offline Payments